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Stage 1 Water Watch

Stage 1 Water Watch 

Initiate mandatory restrictions to prohibit non-essential water use. 

  • Prohibit hosing of paved areas, such as sidewalks, driveways, parking lots or any other impervious surface to alleviate health or safety hazard.
  • Prohibit hosing of buildings or structures other than for fire protection of surface preparation for painting. 
  • Prohibit using water in such a manner as to allow runoff or other waste including failure to repair a controllabe leak, operating and maintain permanently installed irrigation system (broken sprinker heads, out of adjustment sprinklers or missing heads, pipes, or fuacets). Also includes, allowing irrigation water to pool more than 1/4 of an inch on any surface, and allowing run off to form a stream of water further than a distance of 50 feet. 
  • Prohibit outdoor watering with sprinklers between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Limit landscape watering with sprinkler systems to twice per week. Includes parks, golf courses and sports fields. 
  • Prohibit the washing of vehicles, including cars, trucks, boats, trailers, and airplanes with anything other than a handheld hose equipped with a positive shutoff nozzle. 
  • All users are encouraged to reduce the amount and frequency of draining and filling of swimming pools. 

Commercial or Industrial

  • All actions listed above for all water users apply to commercial and industrial users. 
  • Lanscape watering of parks, golf courses, and sports fields is limited to twice per week and/or if a variance is granted by the Utilities Director, the un-restricted watering must take place before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 


  • Foundations my be watered using handheld hose for up to 2 hours; or by using a soaker hose placed within 24 inches of the foundation.
  • Newly installed schrubs and trees may be watered using a handheld, soaker, or drip dispersal hose. 
  • Establishing new turf is discouraged. Hydro mulch is encouraged. If new turf is installed there are no watering restrictions for the first 30 days.
  • Golf courses may water tee boxes and greens without restrictions during the hours of 6 p.m. to 10 a.m. 
  • Skinned areas on sports fields may be watered as needed for dust control or league standards, if applicable.
  • Stock at commercial plant nerseries are exempt from Stage 1 watering restrictions.